English |
French |
Notes |
"often" |
souvent |
"never" |
jamais |
-used in conjunction with ne |
"sometimes" |
parfois |
"quickly" |
vite |
-the form vitement does not exist |
"slowly" |
lentement |
"well" |
bien |
-used with actions, not things |
"poorly" |
mal |
-used with actions, not things |
"enough" |
assez |
-followed by de, not des |
"far" |
loin |
"near" |
proche |
"next" |
ensuite |
-followed by a comma at the beginning of a sentence |
"maybe" |
peut-être |
-make sure this is written with a circumflex accent |
"soon" |
bientôt |
"early" |
tôt |
"late" |
tard |
"now" |
maintenant |
"always" |
toujours |
"almost" |
presque |
-changes to presqu' before vowels |
"many" |
beaucoup |
-followed by de, not des. |
"finally" |
enfin |
-followed by a comma at the beginning of a sentence |
"few" |
peu |
-followed by de, not des. |
"less" |
moins |
"more" |
plus |
-don't use before bon; use meilleur/mieux instead. |
"too much/many" |
trop |
-followed by de, not des. |
"very" |
très |
"better" |
mieux |
-don't use mieux before nouns (use meilleur) |