Household (la maison)

Helpful verbs
avoir besoin de ("need"), être ("be"), monter ("to go up"), s'asseoir ("to sit down")
avoir besoin de
J'ai besoin d'un couteau =" I need a knife"
La douche est au sous-sol = "The shower is in the basement"
Il faut monter au deuxième étage = "You have to go up to the second floor"
Je vais m'asseoir sur le sofa = "I'm going to sit down on the sofa"
You can learn the conjugation of these verbs
Grammar Point: object pronouns
Object pronouns (e.g.: "me", "it", "him", etc. in English) come BEFORE the verb in French. For example, "David sees
her" =
David la voit; "Laura wants
it" =
Laura le veut. Consult our Grammar Guide to learn more about
direct object pronouns,
indirect object pronouns and the
order of pronouns.