Travel (les voyages)

Helpful verbs
aller ("to go"), arriver ("to arrive"), venir ("to come"), partir ("to leave"), e.g.:
Allons à la plage = "Let's go to the beach"
Le train arrive à midi = "The train arrives at noon"
Tu veux venir avec nous? = "Do you want to come with us?"
Il faut partir tôt = "We need to leave early".
You can learn the conjugation of these verbs
Grammar Point: future verb forms
To indicate future actions, you can use a form of
aller ("to go"), followed by another verb, e.g.:
Je vais faire mes devoir ("I'm
going to do my homework"). A second possibility would be to use the future ending, e.g:.
Je ferai ("I
will do"),
fera ("He/She will do"). You can learn more about future verb forms
here and