Numbers from 1 - 50 |
un (1) |
onze (11) |
vingt et un (21) |
trente et un (31) |
quarante et un (41) |
deux (2) |
douze (12) |
vingt-deux (22) |
trente-deux (32) |
quarante-deux (42) |
trois (3) |
treize (13) |
vingt-trois (23) |
trente-trois (33) |
quarante-trois (43) |
quatre (4) |
quatorze (14) |
vingt-quatre (24) |
trente-quatre (34) |
quarante-quatre (44) |
cinq (5) |
quinze (15) |
vingt-cinq (25) |
trente-cinq (35) |
quarante-cinq (45) |
six (6) |
seize (16) |
vingt-six (26) |
trente-six (36) |
quarante-six (46) |
sept (7) |
dix-sept (17) |
vingt-sept (27) |
trente-sept (37) |
quarante-sept (47) |
huit (8) |
dix-huit (18) |
vingt-huit (28) |
trente-huit (38) |
quarante-huit (48) |
neuf (9) |
dix-neuf (19) |
vingt-neuf (29) |
trente-neuf (39) |
quarante-neuf (49) |
dix (10) |
vingt (20) |
trente (30) |
quarante (40)(40) |
cinquante (50) |
- 60 = soixante
- 70 = soixante-dix
- 80 = quatre-vingt
- 90 = quatre-vingt-dix
- 100 = cent
- 1000 = mille
- first = premier
- next = prochain
- last = dernier
You can find more information about numbers here.
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Grammar Point: "in" + place
To say "in a city", use à, e.g.: à Toronto ("in Toronto"); to say "in" a masculine country, use au, e.g.: au Canada ("in Canada"); to say "in" a feminine country, use en, e.g.: en France ("in France"). In most other cases, use dans, e.g.: dans ma chambre ("in my room"). You can find out more about French prepositions here.