Health (la santé)

Helpful verbs
se sentir ("to feel"), avoir ("to have"), e.g.:
se sentir
Je ne me sens pas bien = "I don't feel well"
J'ai la grippe = "I have the flu"
You can learn the conjugation of these verbs
Grammar Point: "would", "should", "could"
The words "would", "should" and "could" are expressed with the conditional verb ending. For example, "I
would help" =
J'aiderais. The form "should" is expressed by the conditional of
devoir, e.g.: "
I should study" =
Je devrais estudiar. The form "could" is expressed by the conditional form of
pouvoir, e.g.: "
I could help you" =
Je pourrais t'aider . You can learn more about the conditional