Business (les affaires)

Helpful verbs
accepter, refuser, arriver, gagner, e.g.:
J'accepte votre proposition = "I accept your offer"
refuser de
Je refuse de travailler le samedi = "I refuse to work on Saturdays"
Il faut arriver à l'heure = "You need to arrive on time"
Ma mère gagne $30 de l'heure = "My mother makes $30 an hour"
You can learn the conjugation of these verbs
Grammar Point: Noun agreement
All French nouns are classified as either masculine or feminine. Make sure the determiner (e.g.:
le, la, un, une) matches the noun for gender, e.g.: since the word for "thing" (
chose) is feminine, you need to write
une chose ("a thing"), not
un chose (note that the noun's ending isn't always a good indication of gender, e.g.:
un problème).
There is also agreement in terms of singular and plural, e.g.:
les choses = "the thing
s". You can learn more about noun agreement