Weather (le temps/la météo)

Helpful verbs
faire ("is" when describing weather), pleuvoir ("to rain"), neiger ("to snow")
Il fait beau = "It is nice out"
Il pleut = "It is raining"
Il neige = "It is snowing"
You can learn the conjugation of these verbs
Grammar Point: imperfect verb forms
The imperfect is used to describe a past action that took place over a period of time. It describes a past "situation" rather than a past "event", for example,
Quand j'étais petit, je voulais un cheval ("When I
was young, I wanted a horse").
Verbs form their imperfect by adding -
ais, -
ait, etc. to the base (e.g.:
Je parlais = "I was speaking"). You can learn more about the imperfect