Greetings (les salutations)

Helpful verbs and pronouns
présenter ("to introduce"), rencontrer ("to meet"); vous ("you"), mon/ma ("my")
Je vous présente ma copine = "This is my girlfriend"
Je voudrais rencontrer votre famille = "I would like to meet your family".
You can learn the conjugation of these verbs
You can find more information about pronouns
here. You can use the
BonPatron Grammar Guide to test your knowledge on a wide variety of
verbs and
Grammar Point: "there" in French
To say "there is/are", write
Il y a, e.g.: "
There is someone at the door" =
Il y a quelqu'un à la porte; to refer to a location, use the form
y BEFORE the verb, e.g.: "I'm going
there tomorrow" =
J'y vais demain. You can find our more about the pronoun
y here.