Restaurant (le restaurant)

You can learn more about words for food here.
Helpful verbs and expressions
Verbs: manger ("to eat"), boire ("to drink"), aimer ("to like"), trop de ("too much/many"), assez de ("enough"), être allergique à ("to be allergic to"), e.g.:
J'ai mangé trop d'arachides = "I ate too many peanuts"
Il faut boire assez d'eau = "You need to drink enough water"
J'aime le fromage = "I like cheese"
être allergique à
Je suis allergique aux noix = "I am allerigic to nuts"
You can learn the conjugation of these verbs
Grammar Point: Negation
Negative sentences are formed by placing the word
ne before the verb and
pas after it, e.g.:
Je ne travaille pas aujourd'hui ("I don't work today"). To mean "nothing/not anything", use
ne + verb + rien (e.g.:
Je ne veux rien); to mean "no one", use
ne + verb + personne (e.g.:
Il n'y a personne dans la salle).
Note that when speaking, the ne is often omitted.
You can learn more about negation
1/ Write a dialogue where a customer orders a three-course meal. The main characters are the customer (le client or la cliente) and the waiter (le serveur or la serveuse).
2/ Write a story describing your favourite restaurant.
Be sure to can check the grammar of your scenarios here.