School (L'école)

Helpful verbs
apprendre ("to learn"), faire ("to do), étudier ("to study"), e.g.:
J'apprends le français = "I am learning French"
Je vais faire mes devoirs = "I am going to do my homework"
Il faut étudier pour l'examen final = "You need to study for the final exam"
You can learn the conjugation of these verbs
Grammar Point: subjunctive verb forms
After certain verbs and expressions, the subjunctive verb form is used, e.g.:
Je veux que tu dises la verdad (cf.: the present indicative of
tu dis).
To master the subjunctive, you must learn when to use it, i.e.: the expressions and verbs that trigger the subjunctive form of the following verb. You must also learn the particular subjunctive forms of many common irregular verbs e.g.: faire, savoir, être (que je fasse, que je sache, que je sois).