Food (la nourriture)

Helpful verbs
manger ("to eat"), boire ("to drink"), aimer ("to like"), ne pas aimer ("to not like"), cuisiner ("to cook").
J'ai assez mangé = "I have eaten enough"
Il faut boire de l'eau = "You need to drink water"
J'aime les fruits = "I like fruit"
ne pas aimer
Je n'aime pas la viande = "I don't like meat"
J'adore cuisiner = "I love to cook"
You can learn the conjugation of these verbs here.
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Grammar Point: when "be" = avoir
There are many expressions where English uses the verb "be", but French uses the verb avoir (literally "to have"). For example, "I am hungry" = J'ai faim; "She is 15 years old" = Elle a 15 ans; "They are afraid" = Ils ont peur. You can learn more about these differences between English and French here.